How I pulled myself out of a slump and you can too

Lynnecia S. Eley
3 min readFeb 26, 2022
Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Let’s all admit it… face the facts, and acknowledge that life sometimes comes at us hard. We are overworked and underpaid, most of us pour into others constantly while draining the juice from our own cups. What you may be asking at this moment is, “is this The Confidence Doula admitting to being in a slump”? Yes…. yes I am.

The last month has been challenging. At times I’ve felt confused, anxious, or unsure of my own path. Being everyone else’s biggest cheerleader is energy work to say the least.

But when I acknowledge and accept that I too must give myself grace, I remember these 4 things to get ME back on track.

  1. At any moment, I’m allowed to feel however I feel. You’re a human being. Therefore, give yourself a break. From time to time your thoughts or emotions will surface and try to get the better of you.
  2. I can take some time to figure this out. You have a right to have some moments away from situations to think it through. As a high-powered person myself, I default to thinking “just do it” or “get it done”, but remembering that you can take time — all the time that you need — helps to control anxieties.
  3. Music makes you lose control. Like Missy ‘Misdemeanor’ Elliott said “rump shaking both ways, make you do a double take”… put on your favorite song and dance like no one is watching and there’s no tomorrow. In addition to easing your stress, your confidence will shoot through the roof as the music brings back favorite memories.
  4. Treat yo’ self. Allow yourself a luxury. Remind yourself you are important and worthy of the world on a silver platter. When things are not going your way and you begin to question yourself, take time to reward yourself. Whether it is a chocolate kiss or a pat on the back, look yourself in the mirror and say “I am amazing and I deserve a gift”.

Refuse to allow a momentary lag to bring you down. You’re in control of your feelings and choices. Decide to use these tips when needed. You’ll be on top of your game once again.

We are only limited by the things that we allow to limit us. The keys to success and productivity are already in our pockets. We just need someone to show us the lock and encourage us to open the door. Inspiration, empowerment, and support is waiting at

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Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Written by Lynnecia S. Eley

Founder of She Can Inspire, Two Queens Media, Soigne' + Swank Magazine and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc., best-selling Author, wife and mother.

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